Almost one third of new jobs were NDIS-related in 2023

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Recent reports highlight the NDIS as a major catalyst for job creation in Australia. Approximately one-third of all jobs generated last year were directly linked to the NDIS, showcasing its significant influence on employment trends.

With a valuation of $42 billion, the NDIS has become a cornerstone of federal government spending, pushing expenditure levels to near-record proportions of the GDP. The scheme’s extensive funding has fuelled robust growth in the public sector, contrasting with a slowdown in hiring within the private sector.

New research reveals that NDIS-related sectors, such as allied health and non-childcare social assistance, have experienced substantial employment growth. Despite constituting only 6% of the job market, these sectors accounted for 30% of the total job growth in the past year.

Amid concerns about escalating costs, the government is undertaking reforms to curb the NDIS’s annual growth rate. Efforts include legislative measures to streamline the scheme and facilitate the transition of children to state programs when appropriate, aiming to balance financial sustainability with continued support for individuals with disabilities.

As the NDIS continues to evolve, its impact on job creation and policy development remains a focal point of national discourse. With ongoing efforts to balance its financial sustainability with the imperative to support individuals with disabilities, the NDIS journey underscores the complex interplay between social welfare, economic growth, and public policy.

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